You may be wondering what we are doing to keep you safe when you visit our clinic.
Patients will be “pre screened” when they call to make an appointment. We will want to know if you are in a risk category, if you have symptoms or if you have been exposed to anybody with the virus or with symptoms.
You will have their temperature taken with an infra red thermometer before entering the clinic. You will be provided with a fluid resistant surgical mask to wear whilst you are in the clinic and asked to use alcohol hand cleaner when entering and leaving the premises.
All staff will have their temperature taken at the start of the day
Reception staff will be wearing a fluid resistant surgical mask throughout the day.
Osteopaths and massage therapists will be wearing a fluid resistant surgical mask, gloves and an a plastic apron. This is disposed of at the end of each patient visit.
We have removed towels and couch covers from the treatment rooms. Pillows have been sealed in plastic protectors.
We have added an extra 10 minutes at the end of each patient visit so that treatment rooms can be cleaned. Regularly touched surfaces such as couches, door handles and light switches will be sanitised with bleach.
Adding an extra 10 minutes at the the end of each visit will also reduce the likelihood of contact between patients entering and leaving the premises.