
Bradbourne Osteopaths

what to expect

You do not need the referral of a doctor to be seen by an osteopath or sports massage therapist, although many patients do come to us following a GP’s advice.

initial consultation

At your initial consultation a full case history will be taken. This involves an in-depth discussion about your presenting complaint and medical history. Lifestyle, occupation, sporting and leisure activities will also be discussed.

A physical examination will then be carried out. This involves looking at the body as a whole. The practitioner will look at posture and ask you to perform a series of movements and tests so that the mobility of your body can be evaluated. The osteopath will use palpation, a highly developed sense of touch, to assess areas of weakness, tenderness, restriction or strain within your body and also perform various passive movements to your joints. Orthopaedic and neurological tests are also often performed.

You may bring comfortable, loose clothing or shorts to change into. You are free to bring a friend or relative with you to act as a chaperone.

Once the examination is completed and in conjunction with all other information that has been gleaned the practitioner will explain your diagnosis. The proposed treatment and management plan will then be discussed.

If the practitioner is concerned about the presence of a more serious underlying condition or if treatment is not indicated, you will be referred to the most appropriate specialist/doctor for help and/or further investigations.

follow up appointments

In most cases treatment will be started on your first visit. Some patients only require one appointment, others may require a course of treatment or return periodically for the long term care of a condition. Normally the treatment of a patient is determined according to their progression rather than the prescription of a set number of treatment sessions.

Ready to get started?

If you have any questions you can get in touch on 01732 666302 or If you would like to book an appointment then you can book online below!

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